<bgsound src=" [audio]//almaith.ucoz.com/River20flows20in20you20piano.mp3[/audio] " loop="infinite">
I miss myself my old one. I miss my smile and my beautiful soul. I miss when i use to do crazy things when i don't care about any thing.its strange that what we call it love really strange it totally change the person either it make him so happy or so so sad.I am not sad but I cant understand my feeling I just love to be alone all alone. I will change myself coz no body deserve hide my beautiful smile for him it was just a stage of my life which I will throw it behind my back and go on its a lesson a hard lesson and I loss a part of my heart to learn the lesson But its ok maybe one day I will find the other part of my heart some one someone who have a golden heart someone from fantasy world someone like prince Charles from Cinderella story or like Romeo who loved Juliet like crazy I will live the love through books and pray may god gave me a true love like this just a wish ^__^ ♡ &.
مشاهده: 174 | أضاف: Maytha_1992 | التاريخ: 2015-01-13 | تعليقات (0)